3 Dangerous Food Additives You May Be Eating Without Knowing

I recently had dinner with a friend who is fit, active, healthy and tries to eat well; he’s doing everything right. We got to talking about food labels and marketing claims. He told me that he reads the labels and that he thinks he’s making good healthy food choices. It soon became apparent that he was reading the product claims on the front labels and occasionally, the nutrition facts label, but not the list of ingredients. I challenged him to read the ingredient list on the foods in his cabinets.  We pulled out the first item handy, Progresso Bread Crumbs, [Read More]

The Diabetes Myth

I often hear diabetes described as a consequence of obesity or eating fast food and drinking too much soda. While it is true that bring overweight and drinking soda or eating junk food definitely increases the likelihood of blood sugar concerns, (just one can of soda a day has been shown to increase the risk of diabetes by 22%), it’s a myth that this condition affects only overweight fast-food eaters. Many of the people I know who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or its precursor, insulin resistance, are healthy and are not overweight. I see diabetes diagnoses more [Read More]

Getting FITTER With the Right Exercise Plan For You

There are different types of exercise and there are various reasons why they are all important for your fitness and health. We know exercise matters for weight management, but it is also a critical component to heart health, managing hormones and blood sugar levels, improving immune function, and preventing cancer. Now a new study shows that exercise is a critical component of cancer recovery as well. Cancer survivors were given individually tailored exercise plans including cardiovascular, endurance, strength and flexibility training. After 12 weeks, the researchers discovered that a large portion of the T cells associated with the cancer were [Read More]

7 Tips for Creating The Best Exercise Plan For You

Most of us know we need to start–or increase–our fitness efforts, but many of us have difficulties getting started. In addition to weight management, exercise improves your mood, increases energy, reduces stress, helps you sleep better, boosts self-esteem, supports hormonal balance and reduces risks of chronic diseases and conditions including heart attacks, osteoporosis and breast cancer. A recent study on mature women showed that just to maintain their current weight, the women needed to exercise for an hour a day; to lose weight would require even more time. In our busy lives, finding an extra hour can be a challenge, [Read More]

What Every Vegetarian (Or Someone Who Loves One) Needs to Know

We have all seen or heard horror stories around today’s “factory farms.” It is sometimes to hear or see it and go on eating business as usual.  We want changes to be made and at the same time, we know we need to get back to eating more vegetables and less processed foods. As a result, some of us choose to forego meat completely and opt for a totally plant-based diet (though the plant horror stories pour in daily as well! Even organic plants are increasing grown from GMO or compromised seeds or in soil that has contaminants so the [Read More]

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