What Every Vegetarian (Or Someone Who Loves One) Needs to Know

We have all seen or heard horror stories around today’s “factory farms.” It is sometimes to hear or see it and go on eating business as usual.  We want changes to be made and at the same time, we know we need to get back to eating more vegetables and less processed foods. As a result, some of us choose to forego meat completely and opt for a totally plant-based diet (though the plant horror stories pour in daily as well! Even organic plants are increasing grown from GMO or compromised seeds or in soil that has contaminants so the [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Homocysteine: the missing link to heart health

A friend of mine called me recently and said she’d read an article about a really important test to assess your wellness and she was concerned because she had gone through her records and her doctor had never given her that test. She wondered if she should demand it or change doctors or what she should do. When she told me the article was about homocysteine, I knew she had read that high levels of homocysteine in the blood are reliable risk factors for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, neurological conditions such as Alzheiner’s and Parkinson’s, thyroid concerns, infertility, depression, [Read More]

Why Eating Meat, Salmon or Corn Impacts Your Weight and Your Health

I don’t usually say “this is an article you’ll really want to pay attention to,” because of course, I think they are all important! But this is article is one you need to read all the way through (and consider passing on to your family and friends). Regardless of what you do about it, it’s important for you to know what a new ten year long research study has confirmed so that you can make informed decisions about your — and your loved ones’ — health. When we talked about pesticides and produce recently, one topic we did not cover [Read More]

TBHQ: How Butane Gets in Your Kids’ Snacks

Recently we looked at 3 food additives that we all need to avoid: high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, and monosodium glutamate or MSG. While high fructose corn syrup and trans fats are easy to spot if you read the ingredient list on your food label (not the marketing hype), MSG is a lot tougher to spot because it can be appear as yeast extract, autolyzed yeast or something prefaced with the word hydrolyzed. In fact there are dozens of ingredients that contain MSG hidden within the foods you regularly eat and consuming them can lead to headaches, migraines, mood [Read More]

Why Vegetables in a Can (Especially Tomatoes) Are Less Healthy

This is the last of four articles in the fruits and vegetables series. Previously, I looked at picking the right fruits and vegetables, examined how pesticides affect produce, and why frozen fruits and vegetables are better than canned. One reason why frozen comes out the winner is that canned food contains Bisphenol A or BPA, which is a major concern when eating canned fruits and vegetables. BPA is an industrial compound that has been shown to be toxic even at low doses. It is an endocrine disruptor, which means that it acts as a hormone in the body, taking up [Read More]

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