Russia Suspends Use of American GM Corn: Why Don’t We?

Several weeks ago I wrote about the first long-term study on the impact of GMOs. The ten year study out of Europe has shown conclusively that GMOs and GE foods are not harmless: they cause damage to the digestive system and our ability to digest proteins, change the micro-structure of our intestines, alter our immune systems and cause us to eat more, gain weight — and retain the weight – than would occur with a non GE diet. Now another study out of France has followed rats through their lifespan, which typically lasts two years, and found severe health concerns [Read More]

Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Gummy Worms: The Connection to GMOs

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the European study linking genetically modified corn and Monsanto’s weed-killing Round Up spray to cancerous tumors and other health concerns. This study led to America’s GMO corn being banned in Russia and pending reviews by other European countries. As with all studies, some will challenge the results and even the study’s scientists say the study will need to be replicated. But seeing the pictures of the tumor-laden rats wasn’t necessary for me to confirm what I know intuitively: that these products are not in our best health interests. As the attention focuses around [Read More]

Arsenic: Not Just Your Grandmother’s Poison

Arsenic has been used as a poison for centuries; a single dose of inorganic arsenic about the weight of a postage stamp would be enough to kill you. But now concerns have been raised about chronic long-term exposure to smaller amounts of arsenic through drinking water, juices such as apple and grape juice, and foods such as rice and rice-based cereals and beverages. While the EPA regulates the arsenic levels in bottled water and tap water, no such limits exist for the presence of arsenic in other foods and beverages. You may have seen the recent reports of high levels [Read More]

Garlic: More Than a Vampire Tamer!

More than just a means of warding off vampires or other evil spirits, garlic is a powerhouse nutrient with many health benefits. Though garlic has been used as a health remedy by Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures, was mentioned in the Bible and the Talmud, and has been integral in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, scientists have finally determined what makes garlic such a powerful antioxidant. The compound that gives garlic its aroma and flavor, known as allicin, may well be the world’s most powerful antioxidant, capable of effectively trapping free radicals even better than Vitamin E coQ10 or [Read More]

Popcorn and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?

Recently we looked at buying the best produce and learned when you really should splurge on organic and when you can save some pennies and buy conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Knowing you can save some money if you so choose is always good information to have, even if it is a downer to have to talk about pesticides being present on the healthy fruits and vegetables we are trying to eat more of. Most of us probably remember several years ago when the news broke that a chemical that was added to microwave popcorn caused lung damage in the [Read More]

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